1 |
Work and time analysis of villager level workers and field agents |
Adhikari B |
A Tripathy |
1969 |
2 |
Impact of Extension contact in influencing farmers in adoption of some selected innovations |
Chaodhari, U |
L. N. Kar |
1969 |
3 |
Role of Panchyat members in rural development activities with special reference to agricultural production |
Rath, K C |
M S Sahoo |
1969 |
4 |
Efficiency of lay leaders in relation to their socio-economic status in influencing farmers for adoption new farm practices. |
Sahoo Sankar |
L Mishra |
1969 |
5 |
Factor affecting adoption of high yielding varieties |
Satapathy, C |
G Rajguru |
1969 |
6 |
Impact of economic factors on adoption of improved practices in high yielding varieties of rice |
Sahoo S C |
G Rajguru |
1970 |
7 |
Study on perception of leadership behaviour by leaders and non leaders in west Godavari |
Chundur R K M |
M S sahoo |
1971 |
8 |
Study on the socio-psychological correlation of the acceptance of high yielding programme by the farmers of Puri district |
Patra, B P |
G Rajguru |
1971 |
9 |
Impact of High yielding varieties programme on the dissemination of scientific agricultural information among the farmers of Ganjam district |
Ramatha P V |
G Rajguru |
1971 |
10 |
A Study on the effectiveness of mass media in the diffusion improved farm practices among the farmers of Puri district |
Sarkar D |
M S Sahoo |
1971 |
11 |
A study on the differential use of sources of information as related to adoption of some improved farm practices by the farmers of Puri district |
Parija S K |
G Rajguru |
1972 |
12 |
A Study on the induction of in-service training needs of agricultural Extension officers working in Puri district and Cuttack district |
Das Gopal |
P K Jati |
1973 |
13 |
A Study on impact of national demonstration on diffusion of improved farm practices |
Behera Chintamani |
M S Sahoo |
1973 |
14 |
A Study on the communication behaviours farmers towards intensive agricultural district programme |
Das P C |
G Rajguru |
1973 |
15 |
Information seeking habits of the farmers in relation to adoption of some agricultural innovations |
G Samiani |
C Satapathy |
1973 |
16 |
An analysis of the factors responsible for the failure of rural youth, clubs in Puri districts |
Nayak B C |
A Tripathy |
1973 |
17 |
A Study on the perception of farmers towards different intensive agricultural district programme |
Patel Tankadhar |
G Rajguru |
1973 |
18 |
A Study on the role of Panchayat samiti members in rural development activities with special reference to agricultural production |
Patra D N |
M S Sahoo |
1973 |
19 |
A Study on work and time analysis of village level workers |
Tripathy BB |
M S Sahoo |
1973 |
20 |
Adoption behaviour of different categories of farmers in relation to the adoption of some agricultural innovations in Sambalpur district |
Mohan Rao, U V |
G rajaguru |
1973 |
21 |
A Study on the impact of SFDA on the diffusion and adoption of innovation farming |
Barik S N |
M S Sahoo |
1974 |
22 |
A Study on the relative efficiency of different audio visual aids in dissemination of farm information |
Dash, Ramakanta |
G Rajguru |
1974 |
23 |
A Study on the impact of farmers training programmes on agricultural productions |
Mahapatra, Basudev |
P K Jati |
1974 |
24 |
A Study on the communication behaviour of farmers of different stages of adoptions of agricultural innovations |
Moahpatra, G |
G Rajguru |
1974 |
25 |
A Study ion the role of radio in diffusion of farm information |
Mohanta,G S |
C Satapathy |
1974 |
26 |
A study on the job perception and training need of VLWs in coastal Orissa |
Sarangi,B |
G Rajguru |
1974 |
27 |
A study on the communication behaviour of the farmers in relation to adoption of some selected farm innovations |
Sastry,T P |
A Tripathy |
1974 |
28 |
A study on the characteristics of adoption categories and the role of key communicators in relation to adopters of some agricultural innovations |
Ojha, P.K |
G.Rajguru |
1975 |
29 |
A study on the social changes as influenced by the high yielding variety programme in Puri district |
Nayak,B.K |
G.Rajguru |
1975 |
30 |
Astudy on effectiveness of farm radio programme is diffusion of improved farm practice in Assam |
Gautam,N.P |
M.S.Sahoo |
1975 |
31 |
A study on the levels of aspirations and acceptances farm credit programme by small farmer by Orissa |
Kameswar Rao, P. |
1975 |
32 |
A study on the differential responses of small farmers to some packages of practices in progressive and non-progressive communities of Puri district |
N.Kumar Chand |
C.satapathy |
1977 |
33 |
A study on the role and trait of farm leaders in the diffusions of agricultural innovation |
R.N.Rautray |
P.K.Jati |
1977 |
34 |
A study on different attributes in relation to communication behaviours of small farmers |
Prakash ch Patra ,P |
G.Rajguru |
1976 |
35 |
A study on the relation efficiency of radio and television as sources of agricultural information in Orissa |
Biswanath Sarangi |
G.Rajguru |
1977 |
36 |
A Study on the knowledge and perception of Extension personnel on the principles and stages of programme process |
S K Sarangi |
M S Sahoo |
1977 |
37 |
A Study on the role of banks and co-operatives in changing the credit seeking and utilization habits of the farmers |
Satapathy, D C |
GRajguru |
1977 |
38 |
A study on the influence of the commercial banks on the investment pattern and credit seeking pattern of the farmers |
B K Dash |
B P Patra |
1978 |
39 |
Impact of electronic and printed mass media devices can the innovation decision making of farmers |
R N Das |
C Satapathy |
1978 |
40 |
A Study on the credit seeking and utilization habits of farmers learning under irrigated and dry land situation |
Binay, Mahapatra |
C Rajguru |
1978 |
41 |
A Study on the infrastructure and source constraints affecting adoption of new farm technologies |
B B Panda |
A Tripathy |
1978 |
42 |
A Study on the perception and attitude of…..about farmers and farming in Orissa with special reference to modernize agriculture |
Nityananda Rout |
M S Sahoo |
1978 |
43 |
A Study on the trait and role analysis of contract farmers operating under T&V programme |
D K Tripathy |
P K Jati |
1978 |
44 |
A Study on the organizational management and prospect of the training and Visit programmes in the coastal and tribal tract of Orissa |
Harihar Panda |
P K Jati |
1979 |
45 |
A Study on the impact of TDA in transferring socio-economic situation of the tribes of Ganjam districts |
Rajkishore Nayak |
G Rajaguru |
1979 |
46 |
A Study on the extent of communication gap existing between the extension and personnel and farmers of Dhenkanal district in modernizing agriculture |
R K Raj |
L N Kar |
1979 |
47 |
A Study on the organizational structure and personnel management of the extensive agricultural extension system in CDAP, Andhra Pradesh |
Y V Reddy |
B P Para |
1979 |
48 |
A Study on the technology gap and constraints involved in the adoption of improved fish farming practices in Puri district of Orissa |
Sudarshan Mohanty |
A Tripathy |
1979 |
49 |
A Study on the impact of operational research project in bringing about the changing in the farmers of Delang Block |
P K Ratha |
M S Sahoo |
1979 |
50 |
A Study on the inter institutional of development agencies in relation to the constraints of rice production |
Das, Bishnukalyan |
G Rajguru |
1980 |
51 |
A study on the attitude of educated Rural youth towards farming as a vocation and agricultural developmental programme in Puri district |
P K Mohanty |
M S Sahoo |
1980 |
52 |
Study of the impact of CADA(command area development agency) in diffusion of farm innovation in command area of Orissa |
Pradip Kumar Patra |
P K Jati |
1980 |
53 |
A study on the impact of ITDA(integrated tribal development agency) on socio-economic transformation of the tribes in Phulbani district |
Ramesh Chandra Patra |
A Tripathy |
1980 |
54 |
Role of mass media in diffusion of farm information away the farmers of coastal tract of Orissa |
R N Das |
C Satapathy |
1981 |
55 |
Educational needs of subsistence farmers in coastal tract of Orissa |
D K Nayak |
A Tripathy |
1981 |
56 |
Factors affecting adoption of improved farm technology related to rice farming in irrigated and rain-fed areas of Puri district |
R S Mishar |
P K Jati |
1981 |
57 |
A Study on the impact of extensive agricultural extension system CT&U system in Andhra Pradesh |
S V Satyanarayan |
G Rajuru |
1981 |
58 |
A Study on the impact of sources and channels of communication on adoption of some innovation |
S C Sahoo |
L N Kar |
1981 |
59 |
A study on the impact of T&V system in agriculture production programme of coastal tract of Orissa |
J K Panda |
G Rajguru |
1981 |
60 |
A Study on the occupational preference of small farmers and landless agricultural labours towards farming and non-farming vocations |
K B Sahoo |
B Mishra |
1981 |
61 |
A Study on inter departmental coordination for agriculture development |
B N Dash |
C Satapathy |
1982 |
62 |
A study on the role of Lab to Land programme in bringing about changes among beneficiary farmers |
B K Rout |
A Tripathy |
1982 |
63 |
A Study on the roles of commercial banks n the field of rural development with special reference to the learning pattern and utilization habits of small and marginal farmers |
Banchanidhi Mishra |
G Rajguru |
1982 |
64 |
A Study on the factors affecting developments of human resource in rural Orissa |
B K Swain |
S Sahoo |
1982 |
65 |
A Study on the impact of operational research project can the socio-economic upliftment of the rural people |
Nirmal Ch Ratha |
L N Kar |
1982 |
66 |
A study on the impact of minimum yield guaranty programme in increasing the yield of high yielding paddy |
Janmejaya Mohanty |
P K Jati |
1983 |
67 |
A Study on the impact of ERRP on the socio-economic upliftment of rural poor |
S K Panda |
P K Jati |
1983 |
68 |
A study on the role and training needs of VLWs under the recognized agricultural extension system in Puri district of Orissa |
A O Kanungo |
A Tripathy |
1983 |
69 |
A Study on the impact of integrated Jhumigan development project in changing the socio0economic situation of the hill tribes in Karabi Anglang in Assam |
P Behera |
B Mishra |
1983 |
70 |
A Study on the Extension social change in a rural community |
K K DoshmahapatRA |
L N Kar |
1983 |
71 |
Role of commercial banks in bringing socio-economic change among small farmers and agriculture labourers of Karnataka under integrated rural development programme |
R Dwikar |
G Rajguru |
1983 |
72 |
A Study on the effect of bank credit programmes on rural development with special reference to farmers operating above and below the poverty line |
S K Mahapatra |
G Rajguru |
1983 |
73 |
Extent of agricultural modernization and its socio-economic consequence on the tribals of Boudh, Kandhamal of Orissa |
Pratap Kishore swain |
P K Jati |
1984 |
74 |
A study on socio-economic consequence of farmer training programme in Sikkim |
S K Rai |
A Tripathy |
1984 |
75 |
A study on the cause of high school dropouts, their needs, interest aspiration and rehabilitation in Cuttack district of Orissa |
Ashok Nanda |
A Tripathy |
1985 |
76 |
Extent of utilization of production credit by week weaker section of Puri district And its impact on their socio-economic development |
U K Paikray |
P K Jati |
1985 |
77 |
A Study on socio-economic impact of IRDP in amelioration poorest among rural poor |
B C Dash |
L N kar |
1985 |
78 |
A Study on the impact of T&V system on agriculture development in Puri district |
R K Pradhan |
G Rajguru |
1985 |
79 |
Study on the organizational management of training and visit programme and its prospect in ohubari district of Assam |
A K karmakar |
A Tripathy |
1985 |
80 |
A Study on the extent of adoption and constraints in the utilization of nonconventional source of energy by the farmers of Puri district in Orissa |
R K Panigrahi |
A Tripathy |
1986 |
81 |
A Study to determine the extent of communication gap among the framers and field level extension workers |
B K Pattanaik |
L N Kar |
1986 |
82 |
A Study on the rate and impact of rural functional literacy programme in changing the socio-economic behaviour of rural people in Puri district |
P K Banarjee |
B Mishra |
1986 |
83 |
A Study on the extent of socio-economic upliftment of of rural people through ERRP programme in Nuagaon block of Puri district |
B Behera |
B K mahapatra |
1986 |
84 |
A study on the factor relating to the productivity of agricultural scientist working in OUAT |
S K Choudhury |
C Satapathy |
1986 |
85 |
A Study on the impact of Orissa state cooperative oilseed growers federation(OIL Orissa) on socio-economic development of oilseed growers of Puri district in Orissa |
S Mahapatra |
B parasar |
1986 |
86 |
Relative efficiency of radio and television with reference to agriculture development programmes of youth club in Puri district of Orissa |
S K Das |
B N Sarangi |
1987 |
87 |
A study on the extent of socio-economic development and level of aspiration among Scheduled caste families in a rural setting in Puri district of Orissa |
B P mahapatra |
B Mishra |
1987 |
88 |
Factor affecting development of human resources- A study in two cross cultural situation in Orissa |
P Kar |
A Tripathy |
1987 |
89 |
A study of the role and training needs of village level extension workers under the recognized agricultural extension system in Kamrup district of Assam |
M N Dowerah |
B K Mahapatra |
1987 |
90 |
A Study on the agriculture and allied programme and their perception through TV in coastal Orissa |
D P Mallick |
A Tripathy |
1987 |
91 |
Extent and impact of contract by different functionaries in the progress of rural development |
H M Mishra |
L N Kar |
1988 |
92 |
A Study of the programme impact and peoples’ participation in social forestry programme in Puri district of Orissa |
P Kar |
B Mishra |
1988 |
93 |
Role of operational research project in transfer of technology among the tribal farmers of Phulabani district of Orissa |
P K Jena |
C Satapathy |
1988 |
94 |
A Study of knowledge and adoption of dairy management practices by the farmers of Puri district of Orissa |
S N Das |
A P Kanungo |
1988 |
95 |
Social constraint in adoption of new water management technology in canal irrigated command area of Cuttack district |
A K Routray |
A Tripathy |
1988 |
96 |
A Study on the impact of Krishi vigyan Kendras among farming communities of Orissa |
S K Mahapatra |
S K Rout |
1988 |
97 |
Study on the factor and extent of social change among schedule caste communities of Puri districts |
N M Chand |
B K Mahapatra |
1988 |
98 |
Communication network and source of information among the farm women in relation to some selected farm practices in Puri district |
Birupakshya Mishra |
A Tripathy |
1989 |
99 |
A Study on the transfer of oilseed technology among the dry land and irrigated areas of Keonjhar district of Orissa |
Pitambar Behera |
B P Patra |
1989 |
100 |
A Study on the transfer of dry farming technology and its extent of adoption in Puri district of Orissa |
M K Tripathy |
B Mishra |
1989 |
101 |
Impact of extension education on the socio-economic development of tribals of the Nilagiri block of Balasore district of Orissa |
S K Biswal |
L N Kar |
1989 |
102 |
A Study on the peoples’ response and impact of CADA in Puri district of Orissa |
Rajeev Prasad |
B Mishra |
1990 |
103 |
Role of extension agency and voluntary organization on the implementation of social forestry programme in Cuttack district of Orissa |
A K |
A Tripathy |
1990 |
104 |
A Study on the impact of social change in the Cuttack sadar block of Orissa |
J K Behersa |
B P Patra |
1990 |
105 |
A Study on the comparative analysis of development before and after implementation of KVK in Kenojhar district |
S P Sangramshingh |
A P Kanungo |
1990 |
106 |
Extent of socio-economic change among the tribals of Mendragiri region of Ganjam district of Orissa |
A S Rao |
Dr. L N Kar |
1991 |
107 |
A Study on the impact of Orissa state cooperative milk producers federation(OMFED) on socio-economic development of milk producers union in Puri district of Orissa |
A Sahu |
A P Kanungo |
1991 |
108 |
A Study on the socio-economic profile of commercial farmers in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh |
G Rajendra |
Dr.B P Patra |
1991 |
109 |
A Study on the structural and functional aspect of oil Orissa its role in the economic development of oil seed growers in Cuttack district of Orissa |
M P Nayak |
Dr, A Tripathy |
1991 |
110 |
Knowledge, attitude, and adoption behaviour of farmers towards recommended agricultural practices of NWDP for rain-fed areas in Cuddapah district of Andhra Pradesh |
M S Ahmed |
Dr. N C Rath |
1992 |
111 |
A Study on the efficacy and constraints involved in fortnightly training programmes in T &V system |
R N Nanda |
Dr. A Tripathy |
1992 |
112 |
A Study on communication behaviour of the contract farmer in relation to agricultural innovation in Balasore district |
L Pattanaik |
A P Kanungo |
1992 |
113 |
A Study of information flow and communication linkage in T&V system in Puri district of Orissa |
Be’Ju John |
Dr, B P Patra |
1992 |
114 |
A Study on the socio-economic analysis shifting cultivation in tribal areas of Koraput district in Orissa |
S C Sahoo |
B B Das |
1992 |
115 |
Work and time analysis of farm women in farming system operations |
J Patel |
Dr. B N Sarangi |
1992 |
116 |
A Study on the impact of IRDP on socio-economic status of rural poor in Puri district |
S Tripathy |
B Parasar |
1992 |
117 |
Training need of lady village agricultural worker under TEWA project in Orissa |
S Banu |
Dr. B Parasar |
1993 |
118 |
A Study on the role of Television and diffusion of farm innovation in Orissa |
K Panda |
Dr.S Sahoo |
1993 |
119 |
Socio-economic constraints of canal irrigation system of coastal command in Kendrapara district of Orissa |
N Bar |
Dr. A Tripathy |
1993 |
120 |
A Study on communication and adoption behaviour of trials of Phulbani district towards improved agricultural practices |
S N Choudhury |
Dr. B P Patra |
1993 |
121 |
A Study on the prospect of problems of consolidation of holding in Puri district of Orissa |
R K Jena |
Dr. B Sarangi |
1993 |
122 |
Constraint in implementation of integrated Rural Development Programme- An in-depth study |
A Mahapatra |
Dr. N C Rath |
1993 |
123 |
Extent of element and diesel power adoption in agriculture and problem associated with it |
P K Beura |
S Sahoo |
1993 |
124 |
A Study on the achievement behaviour of VAWs working under T&V system in Dhenkanal district of Orissa |
D Nath |
Dr. C Satapathy |
1993 |
125 |
Employment pattern among tribals in Keonjhar district |
P R Paul |
Dr. A Tripathy |
1993 |
126 |
Role of special rice production programme in increasing rice productivity in Orissa |
H C Bhuyan |
Dr. P K Jati |
1993 |
127 |
A study on farming system patterns existing in Puri district |
M R Sahoo |
Dr. B N Sadangi |
1993 |
128 |
A study of T&V beneficiaries towards JRY in Gubtur district of Andhra Pradesh |
M Rao |
Dr. B Parasar |
1993 |
129 |
A study on the information support to T&V system in Cuttack district of Orissa |
M Mahapatra |
Dr. A Tripathy |
1993 |
130 |
A study on the extent of adoption of recommended post harvest technology of food grains in the Puri district of Orissa |
K N Mallick |
B B Dash |
1993 |
131 |
A study on the extent of modernization of culture change among Gadaba tribes of Koraput district of Orissa |
T Ojha |
B B Dash |
1993 |
132 |
Progress of integrated watershed development project in Orissa- An interim evaluation |
B K Sahoo |
Dr. N C Rath |
1993 |
133 |
Retrospect and prospect of horticulture development programmes in Phulbani district of Orissa |
Srabeswar Panda |
Dr. P K Jati |
1994 |
134 |
A study on the impact of NWDPRA training on the attitude and knowledge of the ……..Koraput district of Orissa |
R V Gopal Rao |
S K Rout |
1994 |
135 |
Impact of national agricultural research project(NARP) in the adopted villages under farming system research extension |
J P Mishra |
Dr. N C Rath |
1994 |
136 |
Opinion and aspiration of people towards functions of new Panchayatiraj system |
L P Ka |
Dr. S Sahoo |
1994 |
137 |
Job performance of the village agricultural workers of the state Government and the workers of Non-government organization- A comparative study |
A Mukharjee |
Dr. R N Das |
1994 |
138 |
Agricultural technologies generated for mid-central table land zone of Orissa their extent of adoption |
M R Mallik |
Dr. N C Rath |
1994 |
139 |
The role of UNICEF in rural development in the khurda district of Orissa |
A K Panigrahi |
Dr. A Tripathy |
1994 |
140 |
A critical analysis of functional aspect of district rural develop agency in coastal ditrict of Orissa |
J K Pati |
Dr. B N Sadangi |
1994 |
141 |
A study on socio-cultural and techno-economic constraints in adoption of upland among tribal of Keonjhar district |
A K Mohanty |
Dr. P K Jati |
1994 |
142 |
Role of NGOs in sustainable agriculture |
S K Patra |
Dr. B P Patra |
1994 |
143 |
Attitude of farmers towards indigenous knowledge-A study in Balasoe district of Orissa |
M Sahoo |
Dr. B Parasar |
1994 |
144 |
Traditional agricultural practices in east and south-eastern coastal plan zone of Orissa |
S S Mishra |
Dr. Parasar |
1995 |
145 |
Possession and utilization of farm implement by the farmers of agriculturally advanced district of Bihar |
Rakh Kumar |
Dr. B N Sadangi |
1995 |
146 |
A study on the input and resource management by the farmers of agricultural development coastal districts of Orissa |
Pravakar Ray |
Dr. R N Das |
1995 |
147 |
Impact of dairy cooperative societies on the socio-economic conditions of milk procedures in Visakha district of Andhra Pradesh |
D M U Rao |
Dr. B P Patra |
1995 |
148 |
Role of Orissa stat seed corporation in agriculture development of Orissa |
Jagabandhu Rout |
Dr. S Sahoo |
1995 |
149 |
A study on impact of development of women and children in rural areas on beneficiaries of Chilka block of Khurda district(Orissa) |
P C Pradhan |
Dr. C Satapathy |
1995 |
150 |
Prospect of fresh water Pisciculture in the district of Angul |
C S Pradhan |
Dr. B N Sadangi |
1995 |
151 |
Dimensions of environment pollution in the different farming systems as perceived by farmers |
R Mahapatra |
Dr. N C Ratha |
1995 |
152 |
Opinion of farmers towards agro-forestry programme- A study in Khurda district of Orissa |
N Nayak |
A P Kanungo |
1995 |
153 |
A study on impact of NWDPRA project on the agro-ecological situation and socio-economic life of people |
J Patra |
Dr. P K Jati |
1995 |
154 |
Socio-economic consequence of mushroom cultivation |
Ms. S Das |
Dr. P K Jati |
1996 |
155 |
Socio-economic correlation of tribal and nontribal farmers associated with adoption of agricultural technologies generates by west central table land zone of Orissa |
G Barik |
Dr. P K Jati |
1996 |
156 |
A study on participation of farm women in different farm activities |
K Majhi |
Dr. B P Patra |
1996 |
157 |
Perception of tribal farmers about mono-cropping and intercropping in rain-fed upland areas-A comparative study |
D N Mallik |
Dr. B P Patra |
1996 |
158 |
A study on entrepreneurial behaviour of cash crop growers |
Ms. P Sahoo |
Dr. B N Sadangi |
1996 |
159 |
Role of sugarcane companies in promoting sugarcane production in Orissa |
P M Sahoo |
Dr. B N Sadangi |
1996 |
160 |
Indigenous agricultural knowledge of farmers in North-western part of Orissa |
M K Barik |
Dr. B Parasar |
1996 |
161 |
A study on adoption of homestead agro-forestry technology transfer through ‘school in AIR’ |
R K Ranjit |
Sri B K Mahapatra |
1996 |
162 |
Impact of integrated wasteland development project on farmers upliptment |
S S K Pradhan |
Dr. N C Rath |
1996 |
163 |
Control of environment pollution sustainable agriculture as perceived by the farmers |
K Ghadei |
Dr. N C Rath |
1996 |
164 |
A study on job efficiency of lady village agriculture workers under TEWA project in Puri and Dhenkanal district of Orissa |
K Das |
Dr. C Stapathy |
1996 |
165 |
A study on knowledge and attitude of peple towards social forestry programme in Khurda district of Orissa |
B C Behera |
Dr. S Sahoo |
1996 |
166 |
Perception of extension officials and workers of NGOs about input management system for agricultural development on Orissa |
K C Behera |
Dr. R N Das |
1996 |
167 |
Impact of KVKs training programms an agricultural development of tribal farmers in Kondhmal district of Orissa |
S C Rao |
Dr. A P Kanungo |
1996 |
168 |
A study on the socio-economic development of people on the watershed area under NWDPRA in Nayagarh district of Orissa |
S K Mishra |
Dr. S Sahoo |
1997 |
169 |
Managerial skill of the farmers in crisis management |
M R Panda |
Dr. N C Rath |
1997 |
170 |
Development of youth through prime minister yojgar jyojana |
B R Naik |
Dr. B N Sadangi |
1997 |
171 |
Constraints in vegetable production-A case study in two villages of Khurda district of Orissa |
N Sethi |
Dr. C Satapathy |
1997 |
172 |
Impact of area expansion scheme of coconut development board on coconut growers of Puri district in Orissa |
Shyamlal |
Dr. B Parasar |
1997 |
173 |
Farmers perception of drought situation and their management strategy in Nuapara district of Orissa |
K K Behera |
Shri. B K Mahapatra |
1997 |
174 |
Impact of krishi vigyan kendra on socio-economic development of rural people |
P K Behera |
Dr. B P Patra |
1997 |
175 |
A study on the content analysis of farm literature published by OUAT for farmers and field functionaries of Orissa |
Ms. S Panda |
Dr. P K Jati |
1997 |
176 |
Role of NGOs on the implementation of agricultural programmes to …..socio-economic upliftment of rural people |
D Mohanty |
Dr.R N Das |
1997 |
177 |
Gender involvement in agriculture and allied enterprises-A study in the union territory of Pundichery |
S Sashi kumar |
Dr. N C Rath |
1999 |
178 |
Role and importance of Krishi Sahayaka Kendra in coastal district of Orissa |
J Mishra |
Dr. B P Patra |
1999 |
179 |
A study on adoption, cultivation and maintenance of seed by farmers |
M K Das |
Dr. B N Sadangi |
1999 |
180 |
A study on the impact of NWDPRA on socio-economic life of people of Angul district |
M K Sahoo |
Dr. P K Jati |
1999 |
181 |
Traditional animal husbandry practices of tribals in Eastern Ghats high land zone of Orissa |
R Sitaram |
Dr C Satapathy |
1999 |
182 |
Problem and prospects of Jute cultivation in Kendrapara district of Orissa |
B R Pattnaik |
Dr. C Sartapathy |
1999 |
183 |
Role of NGOs in rural development |
B Pattnaik |
Dr. S Sahoo |
1999 |
184 |
Socio-economic consequences of hybrid seed adoption by farmers of Orissa |
D J Bage |
Dr. P K Jati |
2000 |
185 |
Role of women in rural development |
A B Das |
Dr. S Sahoo |
2000 |
186 |
Impact of NWDPRA on socio-economic development of people of Dhenkanal district |
S K Nath |
Dr. B P Patra |
2000 |
187 |
Opinion of ….committee members towards integrated watershed development projects in Kondhmal district of Orissa-a study |
A K Panda |
Dr. A P Kanungo |
2000 |
188 |
Outcome of KVK training programmes-A study on KVK kendrapara |
S R Dash |
Sri N Rout |
2000 |
189 |
Role of NGOs in agricultural development |
Mamata Das |
Dr. S Sahoo |
2001 |
190 |
A study on the perception of farmers towards seed production of oilseed crops in Orissa |
S K Panigrahi |
Mr. R K Raj |
2001 |
191 |
Impact of IRDP on socio-economic status of rural poor in Dkenkanal district |
S K Sahoo |
Mr. S K Rout |
2001 |
192 |
SWOT analysis of emerging agro-enterprises in Orissa |
Bineeta Satapathy |
Dr. C Satapathy |
2001 |
193 |
Upliftment of tribal farmers through KVK in western Orissa-A study |
A K M…. |
Dr. B P Patra |
2001 |
194 |
Competency index of lady village agricultural workers under TEWA project |
Deeptee Bal |
Mr. B K Mahapatra |
2001 |
195 |
Scientific management of Pisciculture in coastal Orissa |
Dibakar Sethy |
Dr. B P Patra |
2002 |
196 |
A study on the structural and functional impact of ATMA on technology dissemination in khurda district of Orissa |
Ms. Amaika Nayak |
Dr. P K Jati |
2002 |
197 |
Entrepreneurial behaviour of Mushroom growers in Khurda districts of Orissa |
Ranjit Panda |
Dr. B Parasar |
2002 |
198 |
A study on the organizational technological and socio-economic issues in implementation of watershed development programmes |
S M Pradhan |
Mr. R K Raj |
2002 |
199 |
Role of NGOs in transfer of technology for upliftment of rural people |
K R Padhi |
Mr. B K Mahapatra |
2002 |
200 |
A study on the socio-economic development of farmers through spices cultivation in Koraput district of Orissa |
Ms.A S Lugun |
Dr. S Sahoo |
2002 |
201 |
Socio-economic impact of Hybrid vegetable farming |
Ch. A A Praharaj |
P K Banerjee |
2002 |
202 |
Impact of farm advertisement in creating awareness among rural people |
A K Pani |
N Rout |
2002 |
203 |
Socio-economic impact of coconut cultivation in Puri district of Orissa |
Ms. S Sahoo |
P K Banerjee |
2002 |
204 |
A study on the impact of KVK among farming communities of Kendrapara district of Orissa |
B Tripathy |
. S K Rout |
2002 |
205 |
Perception of farmers towards seed production of pulse crops in Orissa |
Prasant Kumar Das |
Sri R K Raj |
2003 |
206 |
Impact of mass media in transferring technology of paddy |
Lalmohan Satapathy |
B K Mahapatra |
2003 |
207 |
An impact assessment of TEWA project in Orissa |
Debajyoti Saiprasad Mahapatra |
. B Parasar |
2003 |
208 |
Problems and prospective of fresh water Pisciculture in district of Puri |
Pravas Ranjan Dash |
N Rout |
2003 |
209 |
Utilization pattern of farm implements by the farmers of coastal Orissa |
Kumar Rajendra Narayan Mohanty |
S K Rout |
2003 |
210 |
A study on the socio-economic development of farm families through SHGs in Srikakulam of Andhra Pradesh |
Ms. Patruni Revathi |
S Sahoo |
2003 |
211 |
Possession and utilization of afrm implements by farm women of Balasore district of Orissa |
Jayashree Jena |
B P Mahapatra |
2004 |
212 |
A study on the structural and functional impact of ATMA on technology dissemination in Ganjam district of Orissa |
Sitakanta Mohanty |
B P,Patra |
2004 |
213 |
Indigenous knowledge of tribal folk of North-Central plateau zone in agriculture and allied fields |
Purabi Shur |
B Parasar |
2004 |
214 |
Impact of watershed development project on socio-economic development of the people |
Sabitri Lenka |
Dr. R K Raj |
2004 |
215 |
Sustainability of self help group issues and strategies for management |
Chandra Sekhar Sahu |
Dr. B P Patra |
2004 |
216 |
Impact of OMFED on socio-economic development of the people |
Priyadarshana Mishra |
Dr. R K Raj |
2004 |
217 |
Impact of Krishi Vigyan Kendra among farming communities of Ganjam district |
Sitakanta Pradhan |
Dr. S K Rout |
2004 |
218 |
Training needs of tribal women of East Singhbhum district of Jharkhand |
Chandan Kumar |
Dr. P K Jati |
2004 |
219 |
SWOT analysis of agro based enterprises in Kerala |
Gopika Somanath |
B K Mahapatra |
2005 |
220 |
Perception of farmers towards hybrid rice cultivation |
Anil Kumar Sahoo |
Dr. R K Raj |
2005 |
221 |
Extent of adoption of composite fish culture technology in adjacent village of CIFA, Bhubaneswar, Khurda |
Ajaya Kumar Dash |
Dr. B P Patra |
2005 |
222 |
Market led extension farmer’s perspective |
Sandeep Nanda |
Mr. N Rout |
2005 |
223 |
Impact of Krishi Sahayak Kendra on entrepreneurship development of farmers of Cuttack district of Orissa |
Sabgram Paramguru |
Dr. B Parasar |
2006 |
224 |
Management skill of the framers in disaster management |
Kamalakanta Behera |
Mr. B K Mahapatra |
2006 |
225 |
A study on the adoption behaviour of farmers with respect to hybrid vegetable cultivation in Puri district of Orissa |
Tushar Kumar Pradhan |
Dr. S K Rout |
2006 |
226 |
Opinion of the farmers on privatization of agriculture extension services |
Ms. Chintala Divya |
Dr. S K Rout |
2007 |
227 |
Impact od national watershed development programme on development of the people in Chittor district of Andhra Pradesh |
R Lokanath reddy |
Dr. R K Raj |
2007 |
228 |
A study on the adoption of farm implements and machines among farming communities of western Orissa |
Ashwini Kumar Behera |
Dr. B Parasar |
2007 |
229 |
Constraints of adoption of hybrid rice by rice growers of Orissa |
Biswabhusan Pradhan(146EE/05) |
Dr. R K Raj |
2007 |
230 |
Socio-Economic empowerment of farm women through self help group |
Ms. Madhusmita Jena(147EE/05) |
Mr. B K Mahapatra |
2007 |
231 |
Prospers and prospects of Kharif vegetable cultivation in Keonjhar district |
Tapan Kumar Sethi |
Mr. B K Mohanty |
2008 |
232 |
Perception of small farmers towards sustainability of agriculture |
Jitendranath Mohanta |
Dr. N Rout |
2008 |
233 |
Role performance of the farm women in agriculture and other related activities |
Ms Priyanka Shrama(141EE/07) |
Dr. S .K Rout |
2009 |
234 |
Extent of use of folk and traditional media for rural development |
Sandip Das(142EE/07) |
Dr. B Parasar |
`2009 |
235 |
A study on the job aspiration of agricultural graduates in Orissa |
Lingaraja Kishan(143EE/07) |
Dr. A P Kanungo |
2009 |
236 |
Study on the performance of SHGs under DBT-RBC project in Puri district |
Santosh kumar Tarai(144EE/07) |
Dr, R N Das |
2009 |
237 |
Participation of farm women in economic development of family-A micro level study |
Ms. Smaranika Pattanaik(148EE/07) |
Mr. B K Mohanty |
2009 |
238 |
Content analysis of journal of research published by OUAT for agricultural development in the state |
Ms. Dipanita Ray(149EE/07) |
Dr. N Rout |
2009 |
239 |
Impact assessment of KVK training programmes in the trainees of KVK, Angul |
Miss swagatika Sahoo |
Dr. N Rout |
2010 |
240 |
A study on the factors and constraints in the adoption of pulse production technology in North-Eastern Ghat agro climatic zone of Orissa |
Biswanath Das |
Dr. R N Das |
2010 |
241 |
A study on computer utilization bahaviour of subject mater specialists in Krishi Vigyan Kendra under OUAT |
Priyanka Priyadarsini |
Dr, B Parasar |
2011 |
242 |
A study on the role of farm credit in the investment pattern, credit seeking behaviour and utilization habit of farmers in Sambalpur district |
Trupti Bhoi |
B K mahapatra |
2011 |
243 |
Gender involvement in agriculture and allied activities in Rayagada district of Orissa |
Archana Padhi |
Dr. B P Mahapatra |
2011 |
244 |
A study on the empowerment of farm women through SHGs in Sundargarh district |
Kabita Kumari Swain |
Dr. N Rout |
2011 |
245 |
Impact of NGOs in bringing socio-economic development of tribal farmers through agricultural activities in Koraput district |
Diptimayee Basantia |
Dr. S K Rout |
2011 |
246 |
Impact of Krishi Vigyan Kendra among farming community of Khurda district |
Swagatika Si |
Dr. S K Rout |
2011 |
247 |
A Study on the role of Women Self Help Group in capacity building and empowerment of farm women |
Shambhavi Bhusan |
Dr.R.N.Das |
2012 |
248 |
A Study on the opinion of farmers on privatization of agricultural extension services in Andhra Pradesh |
Y.Srujana Kumari |
Dr.S.K.Rout |
2012 |
249 |
Study on Indegenous Knowledge in Agriculture and Allied fields in Purnia district of Bihar |
Kumar Saurav |
Dr.B.Parasar |
2012 |
250 |
A Study on the Adoption of SRI method of Rice Cultivation in Coastal districts of Odisha |
Jyotishree Ho |
Dr.B.Parasar |
2012 |
251 |
A Study on the Adoption Behaviour of Vegetable Farmers in Keonjhar district of Odisha |
Subhalaxmi Dash |
Dr.N.Rout |
2012 |
252 |
Socio-Economic Development of Farmers of DBT-RBC Project |
Tirthankar Pattnaik |
Dr.S.K.Rout |
2012 |
253 |
A Study on Alternate Livelihood System for Socio-Economic Changes of Dongria Kondha Tribe of Rayagada district |
Sujata Nisanka |
Dr.R.N.Das |
2012 |
254 |
Technology Socialization Process in Rural System |
Chandra Sekhar Bhumia |
Dr. B.K.Mohanty |
2013 |
255 |
A Study on the Information and Communication System among the Small and Marginal Farmers of Khurdha district of Odisha |
Pinkey Kumari |
Dr. B P Mohapatra |
2013 |
256 |
Impact of NAIP Project”Sustainable Rural Livelihood and Food Security to Rainfed Farmers of Odisha” on Socio-Economic Development of Beneficiaries |
Sitaratnamala Das |
Dr.S.K.Rout |
2013 |
257 |
A Study on Information and Communication Behaviour and Group Dynamics of WSHG Members of Puri District,Odisha |
Rajdulari Sahoo |
Dr.R.N.Das |
2013 |
258 |
A Study on Adoption of Scientific Poultry Management Practices by Farmers of Cuttack District |
Biswajeet Lenka |
Dr.B.Parasar |
2013 |
259 |
Correlates of Adoption of Vegetables by Tribal Farmers of Keonjhar District of Odisha |
Bibhu Santosh Behera |
Dr. B P Mohapatra |
2013 |
260 |
A Study on the Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Vegetable Growers of Cuttack District |
Jagannath Barik |
Dr.R.N.Das |
2013 |
261 |
A Study on Adoption Behaviour of Betelvine Farmers of Balasore District of Odisha |
Pradipta Kumar Sen |
Dr.N.Rout |
2013 |
262 |
A Study on the Impact of DBT-RBC Interventions on the Socio-Economic Changes of the Farmers of Puri District |
Shashi Bhusan Padhi |
Dr.R.N.Das |
2013 |
263 |
A study on the prospects and constrains in occupational diversification of youths in Kottayam district of Kerala |
A.P.Kanungo |
2014 |
264 |
A study on the entrepreneurship behavior of oil palm growers in Khammam district of Andhra Pradesh |
B Parasar |
2014 |
265 |
Astudy on the impact of WADI project for the sustainable development of tribals of Keonjhar district of Odisha |
R.N.Das |
2014 |
266 |
A study on participation of tribal women in agriculture in Mayurbhanj district of Odisha |
A P Kanungo |
2014 |
267 |
Group dynamics of self help groups-A structural and functional analysis |
B K Mohanty |
2014 |
268 |
Impact of NHM on socioeconomic development of farmers of Odisha |
S K Rout |
2014 |
269 |
A study on the impact of CBDA on the livelihoods of Tribals of Nuapada District in Odisha. |
R N Das |
2014 |
270 |
Analysis of technical Information system among Agricultural extension professionals of Khurdha district of Odisha |
B P Mohapatra |
2014 |