“Orissa Society of Extension Education” which committed itself to the farmers. The Society is also publishing a biannual journal i.e. (JOURNAL OF EXTENSION EDUCATION) which published only research articles about trials conducted at farmer’s field, farmer’s reaction, acceptance of new product/innovation and all other aspects reflecting views of the farmers.

• Orissa Society of Extension Education, Bhubaneswar - 751003 | |  • EVENTS : CAPACITY BUILDING FOR EXTENSION PROFESSIONALS , MEANS & WAYS :- VIEW BROCHURE

Bit About OSEE

Human Resource Development in the field of Extension Education. To create trained personnel to work for rural development Advanced Research in the field of Extension management & rural development To conduct action research on emerging issues and develops appropriate TOT modules suitable to different agro-ecological situations. Formulation, Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation of Rural Development Projects. Providing consultancy & Advisory Services to Agencies involved in Rural Develoment

Briefly form beginning

“Orissa Society of Extension Education” which committed itself to the farmers. The Society is also publishing a biannual journal i.e. JOURNAL OF EXTENSION EDUCATION.It is published to inform experts who do or use research on agricultural education and extension about research conducted in this field worldwide. Information about this research is needed to further theoretical development and improve policies, strategies, methods and practices for agricultural education and extension. The Journal accepts authoritative and well-referenced scientific articles within the field of agricultural education and extension. Agricultural education and extension face profound change, and therefore the field's core area of attention is moving towards communication, competence development and performance improvement for a wide variety of fields and audiences, most of which can be studied from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
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